
You will write a game that is inspired by the classic board game Risk. I encourage you to come up with a creative variation on the Risk theme, or implement a variation that has already been created (we love Game of Thrones Risk – I recommend you stick to “skirmish” mode). You may, of course, implement classic Risk itself.

Be sure to follow the instructions in the Canvas assignment announcements!

The Rules of Risk

For your reference, here’s a rough outline of the rules of Risk.

Risk is a turn-based strategy game played by 2 - 6 players controlling armies on a board containing 42 territories. The object of the game is to conquer every territory on the board.


Each player chooses a "color" and gets an initial allotment of armies of that color according to the number of players:


On each turn a player does three things:

  1. Receives additional armies based on the number of territories and continents the player controls
  2. Attacks other players' territories (optional).
  3. Fortifies a territory (optional).

Receiving Additional Armies

At the beginning of a player's turn the player receives:

(There are also cards in Risk, but we'll ignore them to simplify the game for our purposes.)


A player can choose to attack a neighboring territory occupied by another player. To attack a territory, the attacking territory must have at least one more army than the defending territory, and the territories must be adjacent. The attack proceeds as follows:


At the end of a player's turn, the player may move armies from one territory to an adjacent territory, leaving behind at least one army (each territory must be occupied by at least one army).


A player loses by having every army vanquished, thus occupying no territorries on the board. A player wins by occupying every territory on the board.

Software Requirements

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Overall Description

The software will implement the (simplified) game of Risk described above in a web-based system. Each user of the software will control one or more players, and each user will use the same computer in a single browser window. Players are individually identified. Users are not individually identified.

User Characteristics

Users of the system will be comfortable using interactive browser-based software, be able to read English language text, and understand simple diagrams and pictures as might be found in popular magazines or newspapers.


Specific Requirements

Note that these requirements are not comprehensive and are written using terminology from Risk. You may add your own requirements and substitute your own game concepts and rules as long as the game has the following characteristics:

Functional Requirements





M1: Game Initialization, R1 - R3

M2: Board Setup, R4 - R6

M3: Turn Setup, R7 - R10

M4: Attacks, R11 - R16

M5: Turn/Game Closeout, R17 - R18


You must meet the constraints listed above. You may earn bonus points in the project category as follows: